Racial Stress

I hope in the midst of the past few months I hope you are taking time to take a pause from the readings, videos, posts, etc.. For those entering the conversations surrounding race, understand it takes time to build up stamina to sustain these conversations. It would be wise to take break from social media and practice writing your experiences and vulnerabilities down. Those will prove useful as you continue to grow and reflect on your journey. Social media can often stunt one’s understanding of any racial topic because it cannot handle nuance well enough to be a steady source of information.

Anxiety about having a tangible solution can begin to build as you cover more material and understand different perspectives and that is too be expected. You are moving from passion to action. It is important to keep journaling different strategies in your line of work. It is not about creating something substantial yet but rather keeping yourself in the discussion. Processing your thoughts into something physical helps release the build up of information. It also allows you to find your own voice in discussions surrounding race. You can assess your blind spots and discuss those with someone in your circle you trust.

All in all, if we expect people to become more racially literate, reading and listening is only part of The Work. Writing your perspectives and experiences allow you to understand how much work you will need to do as well.

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